Here's a list of posts from my blog, organized by category:
- Creating Dynamic Web Content
- Overview of Web Standards
- Introduction to Web Accessibility
- Introduction to Responsive Design
- MMWCon 2013
- Creating Responsive Content
- UCCSC Talks
- Why Your Web Application Can't Connect to SQL Server
- ES6 Everyday: The End
- ES6 Everyday: Reflect
- ES6 Everyday: Proxies
- ES6 Everyday: Modules
- ES6 Everyday: Shorthand Properties and Methods
- ES6 Everyday: Computed Properties
- ES6 Everyday: New Object Methods
- ES6 Everyday: Typed Arrays
- ES6 Everyday: New Array Methods
- ES6 Everyday: WeakSets
- ES6 Everyday: WeakMaps
- ES6 Everyday: Sets
- ES6 Everyday: Maps
- ES6 Everyday: yield* Keyword
- ES6 Everyday: Generator Functions
- ES6 Everyday: The Iterator Protocol
- ES6 Everyday: for..of Loops and the Iterable Protocol
- ES6 Everyday: Symbols
- ES6 Everyday: Promises
- ES6 Everyday: Extending Built-in Classes
- ES6 Everyday: Class Inheritance
- ES6 Everyday: Static Class Members
- ES6 Everyday: Classes
- ES6 Everyday: New Number Methods and Properties
- ES6 Everyday: New Math Methods
- ES6 Everyday: Arrow Functions
- ES6 Everyday: let Keyword
- ES6 Everyday: const Keyword
- ES6 Everyday: New String Methods
- ES6 Everyday: Sticky Regex Matches
- ES6 Everyday: Tagged Template Strings
- ES6 Everyday: Template Strings
- ES6 Everyday: Binary and Octal Literals
- ES6 Everyday: Destructuring
- ES6 Everyday: Rest Parameters
- ES6 Everyday: Spread Operator
- ES6 Everyday: Default Parameter Values
- ES6 Everyday
- Overriding Equals in C# (Part 3)
- Overriding Equals in C# (Part 2)
- Overriding Equals in C# (Part 1)
- How I Fought and Won the Battle for Disk Space
- Creating a Financial Aid Estimator
- New in C# 6.0: Null-Conditional Operator
- New in C# 6.0: Declaration Expressions
- New in C# 6.0: Auto-Property Initializers
- Using Web Forms Responsibly (Part 4): Watch the Outcome
- Using Web Forms Responsibly (Part 3): Don't Go Control Crazy
- Using Web Forms Responsibly (Part 2): Restrict Form Scope
- Using Web Forms Responsibly (Part 1)
- Mocking DbSet Queries in EF6
- ASP.NET Page Life Cycle and Exceptions
- Watch Your Rounding in .NET
- Open Source at UCSB
- Do We Still Need Image Replacement?
- Accessibility of Labelless Inputs
- A Closer Look at Minification
- CSSOff 2013 Round-up