ES6 Everyday: Reflect

Yesterday, we talked about the new Proxy object in ES6, a construct that enables meta-programming in JavaScript. While we’re on that topic, let’s look at a new built-in object within ES6: Reflect.

Reflect is a global object with a slew of static methods to use in JavaScript meta-programming.

Let’s check out a few.

The Reflect.get() and Reflect.set() methods allow you to manipulate properties on an object:

var game = {
  title: "Grim Fandango",
  genre: "Adventure"

console.log(Reflect.get(game, "title")); // "Grim Fandango"

Reflect.set(game, "genre", "Timeless");
console.log(Reflect.get(game, "genre")); // "Timeless"

Reflect also offers explicit, verbose, method equivalents of operators. Instead of using the new operator, for example, you can use Reflect.construct:

function Employee(name) { = name;

var logan = new Employee("Logan");
console.log(; // "Logan"

var sarah = Reflect.construct(Employee, ["Sarah"]);
console.log(; // "Sarah"

Furthermore, some Reflect methods overlap with static Object methods, like getPrototypeOf:

function Employee(name) { = name;

var logan = new Employee("Logan");

console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(logan)); // Employee
console.log(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(logan)); // Employee

And also overlap with Function methods, like apply():

function add(a, b) {
  console.log(`'this' is ${this}`);
  return a + b;

console.log(add(5, 6));
// 'this' is undefined
// 11

console.log(add.apply(document, [13, 15]));
// 'this' is [object HTMLDocument]
// 28

console.log(Reflect.apply(add, window, [65, 31]));
// 'this' is [object Window]
// 96

Browser support is pretty sparse on this one: as of right now, only the (unreleased) IE12 supports the Reflect API.

However, you can start using it today with this handy polyfill.
